

Help Individuals Rise Above Addiction Today


Here’s what your contribution will do:

Help those who cannot afford treatment as well as an enhanced holistic and wellness approach to treatment. Provide Career Development, Vocational services, Art Therapy & Creative Writing Programs, Fitness & Classes, Group Activities & Recreation.


Provide supplies for an art
therapy group


Support one individual as they return to their community


this gift will deliver one day of residential treatment


this gift will cover nearly a week of outpatient treatment


More Ways to Give to Phoenix House of NY & LI

Make a gift from a Donor-Advised Fund.

Use a donor-advised fund to support Phoenix House. ALL checks payable to
Phoenix House of NY & LI and
mail to 34-11 Vernon Blvd,
Long Island City, NY 11106.


Consider Phoenix House
of NY & LI in your estate planning.

Planned gifts create thoughtful opportunities for donors and Phoenix House.

Give on Facebook
Contribute to Phoenix Houses New York and Long Island through Facebeook


For our EIN Tax Number, or to donate via ACH or stock transfer, contact Development & Communications at [email protected].