Art of Advocacy

Art of Advocacy 


Program Coordinators: Zoe Fitzpatrick Rogers, XY Zhou

For more information or to register for a workshop, please contact us at: [email protected] | [email protected]

The Art of Advocacy program uses the power of creativity to amplify the voices of individuals in the recovery community by fostering connections with supportive and caring environments that prioritize happiness, health, and wellness.

The Art of Advocacy provides a unique platform where individuals can engage in artist-led workshops that encourage self-expression while receiving wellness companioning. The program is designed to help participants increase their recovery capital, improve access to quality healthcare, and enhance satisfaction with their neighborhood and overall environment.

A key feature of the program is its focus on empowering participants to create self-sustaining artist collaboratives, which serve to strengthen social and community bonds vital to sustaining a life in recovery.

While the program is open to all members of the recovery community, special emphasis is placed on inclusivity, particularly for individuals who:

• Engage in harm reduction practices
• Are re-entering the community from congregate care environments
• Identify as LGBTQ+

The Creative Recovery Collective offers peer-led art activities that support participants in connecting more deeply with each other. These weekly sessions use art as a starting point to encourage discussions of shared experiences. CRC aims to sustain recovery and build recovery capital. Come join us and build your own support network!

Upcoming Events


Past Workshops



Participants were introduced to the practice of weaving as a healing tool. Workshops began with meditation and movement exercises to ground the body and mind, including a walking meditation through the sculpture park. Natural and found materials from the walk were incorporated into the tapestries. The workshops emphasized how the repetitive motions of moving the shuttle back and forth channels emotions that are otherwise unsayable.  



Over the course of 4 weeks, participants created stained glass mosaics. The process of mosaic-making is essentially a puzzle that requires problem-solving. 



Participants experimented with clay through the lens of trauma-informed care, creative practice, connection with self and community, and as a therapeutic outlet. During the session, participants were guided in meditation, breathing, and somatic exercises. Through the process, the healing moment is memorialized in an object that has been given time, attention, and care.  

Past Exhibitions

About the Exhibition

We can never really be supported if we are never known

From the beginning of our three-year SAMSHA grant, we built a year of hands on freely offered artistic programming to individuals in recovery. This exhibition encompasses the work created over the course of our programming period, including over 90 works from 72 artists.

The work created by participants is shown not by each individual artist-led workshop, but instead interwoven with the uniqueness and diversity of the participants themselves. The body of work in this exhibition tells a larger continuing story of a community, the discussion of what recovery and wellness mean in this (our current) moment.

There’s no wrong way, except alone.

Curated by
Vincent Briguccia & Zoë Fitzpatrick Rogers
Hailey Gibson


Community Partnerships

Art of Advocacy works with arts organizations, community centers, and other harm reduction providers to create spaces for recovery. By partnering with other organizations, we can extend the scope of our services.

Past and present partners include: Anchor House, Artshack, the efa Robert Blackburn Printmaking Center, Loop of the Loom, the Noguchi Museum, Socrates Sculpture Park, and VOCAL

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    Want to Register for a Workshop?

     For more information or to let us know what dates you can come, email us here:
    [email protected]

    Want to Collaborate?

    If you are a community organization looking to bring art programming to your neighborhood, have workshop ideas, or just want to know more about our programming, let us know:
    [email protected]